
Moron Gurus and The Ultimate Dare

Warning, this is a rant/vent.

I'm sick of gurus.

They talk and talk and the reality is they're all a bunch of idiots.  Not a one of them can actually start something from nothing.  They all had unusually favorable head starts and advantages that allowed them to make their millions and grow their businesses.  Either that or they are narcissistic liars who have absolutely no empathy or feeling towards those that they fleece.

"We're awesome" they say.

"We can get you a 10 gazillion percent ROI!"

You just need a minimum $10,000 per month advertising budget.  Oh, and we won't guarantee anything because the reality is we don't know if what we're going to do is actually going to work and so you can have 100% of the risk.  Then when it fails we'll just blame your puny budget and ask for more money and promise the same old BS all over again.


I once ran a business that sold to a half billion dollar per year TV shopping network.  When I asked them how they get new customers they didn't know.  They were struggling to find new customers too and they had an 87 million person audience on cable and satellite built in to their business model.  When you ask small business owners which of their advertising works they don't know.  What's the difference?  Nobody seems to know.

When you ask an advertising agency what to expect for ROI they don't know either.   I once did some consulting work for a company that grew from 0 to $3 million in revenue in 5 years.  They got lucky and some reporter wrote a story about them that went national.  Since then their business has declined substantially because they also don't know how advertising works.

Yet, the gurus continue to write and film useless articles and videos that are full of crappy, watered down, advertising advice.

Here's the question I have:  Why not put your money where your mouth is?  You spend $2000 per month for 6 months advertising my small business and I'll give you 100% of the ROI attributed directly to that marketing.  If you're advice is worth what you say it is then that's a heck of an ROI.  Any takers?


There are no takers.

You see, nobody actually has the guts/brains to take that.   If the promises were true a truthful guru would take that dare and print money like nobody's business.  The returns would be too good to pass up--much better than the stock market.  And, there would be customers lined up around the corner.

But the reality is that the returns on advertising suck and are unmeasurable.  So no guru could ever take that bet and get an ROI.  Therefore, neither can I...the small business owner.

So, what is a small business owner to do?  Other than luck and happenstance, how can you grow your business?