
Inside The Ant Farm: A Real Time Look at Starting a Business

It's easy to watch Shark Tank.  It's fun.  But it is discouraging.

Here are these people who have invested many thousands of dollars, or hundreds of the thousands of dollars, or millions of dollars...and the sharks are chewing them up.  How's the average Joe supposed to start a business?  While I love the show, I think it makes business seem way to complicated.

Is step 1 to raise capital?

Do I need a fancy app or to invent the next Snap Chat?

Do I need thousands of dollars for a prototype and a patent?

What about licensing deals?

There are literally hundreds of questions that lead to discouraging answers, but the reality is that business is helping someone by trading something you have for something they have.  If it's a good trade for your customers then customers will not be a problem.

I've started this "Inside the Ant Farm" series to chronicle my new start up as it starts up.

The term start up may give the wrong impression.  This is not a tech start up.  It is not a crazy new invention.  It is not something that will be suitable for Kickstarter.  No, this is way too simple for that.

It's flooring.

You know, carpet, and hardwood and tile...the stuff you walk on everyday.  The only thing you are physically touching 99% of your waking hours.  And, it's boring.

But, being simple, I think it will make for a great experiment that just about anyone can learn from.

So let's rock and see where it goes.